Caesarean Section
A Caesarean finasteride 5mg online section is delivery by surgery. Usually an epidural anesthetic (the patient is awake but numb from the waist down) is administered but in some emergency situations a general anesthetic (patient completely asleep) may be necessary. An incision is made just kamagra paypal above the line of the pubic hair through the skin and the wall of the uterus (womb). The baby is then cialis on line in italia lifted out. The baby is immediately examined and returned to the mother if all is well.
The preferred cesarean section technique was invented by Michael Stark, a former surgeon at the Misgav-Ladach-Hospital in Jerusalem (thus also called Misgav-Ladach-Cesarean).
The scalpel is used as less as possible. The opening of the abdominal wall and the uterus is mostly done by manual dilation. This way the tissue is less traumatized. The patient recovers easily and with less pain. The healing process is quicker and a lower incidence of adesions is found.